1. Start with a quote: "When your 15 you should be thinking about changing the world not changing diapers" -anonymous
2. List two important facts about your topic: three out of 10 American girls will get pregnant at least once before 20.
That's nearly 750,000 teens pregnancies every year.
Teenage pregnancies is the leading reasons that teens drop out of high school more than half a teen mothers never graduated from high school.
3.Why should people agree with you?: because teen pregnancy is not giving your child a chance at life and The baby that she is carrying and so she won't drop out of high school and have no future let's try to prevent that.
4. Emotional pill give an emotional reason that supports your point of view: teen mothers go through a lot of stress that can lead to postpartum depression. Which can lead to dangerous Acts.
Fact: Women of every culture age, income level and race can develop portintal mood and anxiety disorders. Now that can happen to a woman it can happen to A young team that wants to do other things (drink, party, go shopping).
5. Give an example of your emotional reason: for example: if you were a single young teen mom and you know it's a struggle to raise a baby And make ends meet why would you want your daughter to go through that too.
6. Make a profound comment on your example: "honestly I am totally against it." I don't look down on the girls who make the choice to become pregnant, but I can't possibly imagine seeing these babies having a bad life"
7. Logical appeal giving logical reason that support your point of you: 1. girls are allowed to say no
2. I guys respect girls who say no. 3. Girls and I respect guys that don't respect them. 4. Sex does not equal love. 5. Babies are fabulous when you're one mature enough and can take care of them properly. 6.
8. Given example of your logical reason: for an example: I have a friend who is pregnant and say that she's a single mother, she says that "single motherhood is the best predictor of poverty"
9. Make a profound comment on your example: once you're in poverty it's hard to get yourself back on track with no job No money you can't support yourself and your child and try to make ends
meet to pay your bills you when you government assistance.
10. Ethical appeal give an ethical reason that supports your point of view: it's not fair to give a child no chance at life knowing you can't support that child. But it's never wrong to bring a beautiful soul
into the world.
11. Give example of the ethical reason: for example: when you're pregnant it's pain but beautiful once you see her/his face for the first time, but when you're broke, No support system & a single mother reality knocks at your door
12. Make a profound comment on your example: my statement is true reality kicks in when you deliver your baby, how are you going to take care of him/her?
13. State your thesis (#3) in a new way: when you're young you shouldn't have children you should wait and plan for them, because you're not giving a child a chance at life and you're not giving
yourself a chance to live your life because you're still a child yourself a child raising a child.
14. Summarize the best point that you made: The having a child is beautiful but when you're not
prepared can't take care of yourself and the child it's a living nightmare.
15. Explain why your quote(#1) is important your point of view: it is important because we want to give a young teenage girls a chance at life and not something that is cut short.
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